Welcome to the GA’s online programme for the Annual Conference and Exhibition 2025! Take some time to explore the programme and build a personalised schedule using the full list below, or find the best sessions for you using the filter options. Keep an eye on this programme for updates and to interact with other delegates, exhibitors and sponsors. For more information on the Conference, see the GA website.
This study examines the impact of climate change on vegetation loss and its implications for sustainable development in Anambra East Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. Using GIS and remote sensing, we assess spatial and temporal changes in vegetation and temperature over three key periods: 1968, 2003 and 2021. Our findings suggest that effective policymaking for sustainable land and vegetation management is essential to counter the effects of anthropogenic activities. The research contributes to the broader conversation on ‘connected geographies’, where human and environmental systems are intrinsically linked by focusing on the relationship between climate, land use and ecosystem health.